
a propitious moment for decision or action.

We all reach a moment in our lives where the next decision we make can greatly impact our future. As Christians we realize that we impact not only ourselves, but those around us, by what we say and do. We are not just called to attend a church service, take part in a youth group, and be pleasant. This is our goal as Christians – we are called to live a life worthy of imitation. If the source of our every choice is rooted in Christ, then those who seek to emulate us will actually be imitating Christ.

So today, I welcome you to Kairos. This is not just an invitation to a group – but rather a challenge. Do not be misled; you will stumble, and sometimes you will fall. However, none of us is alone. Each one of us, supporting each other, gives us a strong foundation from which to overcome. Will you rise to the challenge and earnestly seek to actively engage and test your faith? Will you reach out to those around you and genuinely join a community of believers – allowing yourself to be held accountable? If so, then join us. This is YOUR turning point – your KAIROS!